Let's answer some
of your questions.
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Can I get access to the Private Beta?
Thank you for your interest. At this time, the private beta is closed so that the team can continue to learn and understand how we can bring this tool to as many people as possible in the future.
When will Rose be available to the Public?
We don’t know yet. Submit your email using the contact form on our homepage to keep in touch.
Why is it called B612?
B612 is in reference to the name of the planet in the book titled “The Little Prince” written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
What is the intention behind B612?
Our modern world presents us with new challenges for each one of us to lead fulfilling and harmonious lives. We believe new kinds of tools may be needed to support everyone on each of their journeys and we are steadfast on discovering what these tools might look like one day.
Can I buy a rose for my house?
No. We believe our world requires new shared utility models that minimize the impact on our environment and work towards a more sustainable future where finite resources are shared by as many people as possible. We must adjust to our new reality.